24SM-Guide to the Games


Foundry BC and the BC Games Society Through a partnership with the BC Games Society, Foundry BC is here to remind youth that sometimes the strongest thing someone can do is to seek support. Foundry BC offers free mental health and wellness services to youth aged 12-24 and their caregivers at centres across BC and virtually through the Foundry BC app. Youth can access counselling, peer support, physical & sexual healthcare, groups & workshops, and employment & education services by walking into a Foundry centre or by downloading the Foundry BC app. All of Foundry’s services are free and confidential – no referrals are required!

Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games Aunties Gifted by the Golden Ears Metis Society

Members of the Metis community will be at the Games dressed in colourful ribbon skirts and purple shirts, ready with their traditional teachings for any participant in need of support. Through their circle-way-of-being, the aunties aim to help participants who are experiencing stress at the Games. This initiative provides Games participants with an avenue for support and members of the Golden Ears Metis Society an opportunity to uphold their responsibility to community.


Enter the Foundry BC Contest Foundry BC is excited to offer a contest to all athletes attending the 2024 BC Summer Games for a chance to win a Foundry BC SWAG bag and a $50 gift card to a place of your choosing. Here’s how to enter: 1) Download the Foundry BC app on your smartphone (via the Apple app or Google Play stores) and register for a youth account! 2) Email Sierra (sturner@foundrybc.ca) from Foundry BC a screenshot of the app on your smartphone, along with your first and last name by July 30th!

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3) Foundry BC will reach out directly to the winner to coordinate the mailing of their prize.


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