Board Orientation Manual 2024
BC Games Cloud BC Games Board Resource Site User Manual
Overview As a crown agency, the BC Games Society is required to ensure all of its data is stored in Canada, which cannot be guaranteed with commercial file sharing systems (i.e. Dropbox). In order to assist BC Games host society volunteers with their planning for the Games, the BC Games Cloud file sharing system (similar to Dropbox or SkyDrive) was established. The BC Games Cloud is created on a BC Games Society secured server and is accessed with a username and password. The BC Games Cloud utilizes open source software that was selected by the BC Games Society as it permits file sharing via our own servers (this software is called ownCloud). Browser Compatibility The BC Games Cloud will work with most web browsers but may function and look different in each. Based on past use, Chrome (Windows) and Safari (Mac/iOS), have proven to be the most consistent but Firefox, Internet Explorer, The Edge, and other browsers also work. Keep in mind that browsers are always being updated and changed and sometimes open source software such as the software that the BC Games Cloud is built on takes a bit of time for adjustments for new browser properties to be implemented. On Your First Login On your first login you will have to reset your password. To do this, follow the instructions below: Go to Enter your username (which is your FirstnameLastname – with no spaces - i.e. JameyPaterson) Enter the following as your password – 123456 As this is not your password, an option to reset the password will appear below the password box, select this.
You will then be sent an email (to the email address we have on file for you) with a link to reset your password. If you do not receive the email, check your junk folder. You can also ask BC Games staff to confirm the email address that is associated with your account.
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