Board Orientation Manual 2024
Family Responsibility Leave Staff members are entitled to a maximum of five (5) days of paid leave per year to meet the responsibilities related to care, health, or education of any member of the staff member’ immediate family (definition of immediate family: spouse; natural, adopted, or step child; natural or step parent; guardian; natural or step sibling; in-laws; natural, adopted or step grandchild; natural or step grandparent; any person who lives with the staff member as a member of the immediate family). The President and CEO has the discretion to use any remaining staff person’s sick leave time for Family Responsibility Leave. If granted this leave will be in addition to the five (5) days allotted with pay. Other Leave of Absences For all other leaves, the BC Games Society will follow the provisions outlined in the BC Employment Standards Act including, for example: compassionate care leave, reservists’ leave, leaves respecting the death or disappearance of a child, critical illness or injury leave, and leave respecting domestic or sexual violence. Extended Unpaid Leave of Absences Other requests for extended temporary unpaid leave of absences are granted at the discretion of the President and CEO. The request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, based on several factors, including, but not limited to, anticipated workload requirements, staffing considerations, and any additional costs the BC Games Society may incur due to the absence. If approved, the leave will be recorded in a written agreement. The unpaid leave of absence will not be granted unless all paid leave has first been used. Vacation and sick leave will not continue to accrue during an approved unpaid leave of absence. Benefits will also not continue throughout the unpaid leave of absence. After one (1) month of leave without pay, the full cost of health benefits will be paid by the staff member. Every reasonable effort will be made to return the staff member to the same position upon return from an unpaid leave, if it is available, or to a similar available position for which they are qualified. However, the BC Games Society cannot guarantee this in all cases. Leave for Athletic Events Staff members who have been selected to represent British Columbia or Canada in designated international or nation multi-sport athletic events as an athlete, coach, or judging official may be eligible for athletic leave. Designated athletic events are: the Olympic Games, the Commonwealth Games, the Pan-American Games, the Canada Games, the Paralympic Games, and the North American Indigenous Games. The staff member will match with paid leave each day of leave contributed by the employer up to a maximum contribution by the employer of eight (8) days (56 hours) in any twelve (12) month period. All leave approvals will be based on operational requirements and leave may be considered for training purposes in preparation for the event. The staff member must provide the BC Games Society an official letter or document from the sponsoring athletic event that indicates the staff member’s participation.
Updated June 2023
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