Board Orientation Manual 2024

Public Health Community Partner The Vice President will be the main point of contact with the Public Health representative. Public Health officials will be interested in various planning areas, such as infectious disease protocols (Medical Services Directorate), food safety, and concessions (Food Services Directorate) and will serve as the conduit between these respective Games planning areas and Public Health. The Vice President will work with respective Directorates to determine the best connection between Public Health and the Games, which will likely include a Public Health representative assigned to the Games. BC Games staff will assist in having this representative named and sharing past Games knowledge and procedures. Key Volunteers The President, Vice President, Board Liaisons, Directors, and Chairs are collectively called the Key Volunteers. Office Staff Operations Manager The Operations Manager reports to the Director of Administration and the President and Vice President and maintains a close link with BC Games staff. The Operations Manager stays apprised of planning and logistics in all Directorates so that they can facilitate the connections between Directorates, especially in the few months leading up to the Games. The Operations Manager plays a key role in keeping all Directorates informed of information and planning that impacts all areas, disseminating information, and ensuring planning is moving forward. The responsibilities of the Operations Manager include setting up and managing a fully functional local Games Office, supervising and leading other local Games staff, and providing support and assistance to Directors and Chairs. This includes spreadsheet development and management, coordinating bookings of municipal and school district facilities, managing requests from all Directorates for access to municipality and school district equipment/supplies, developing detailed logistical maps for all venues, creating information binders and general Games information for position-specific manuals/training materials, and establishing and managing a Games information centre (drop-in and call-in) pre-Games and during the Games weekend. Operations Assistant The Operations Assistant reports to the Operations Manager and assists with the smooth and efficient running of the Games Office. Duties include taking minutes at Board Meetings, ensuring that the Games office operates effectively, and that the office systems that are set up by the Operations Manager are maintained. Games Assistants Games Assistants are typically hired through federal and provincial government work grants. These staff members are generally assigned to work with three to four Directorates. They attend Directorate and Committee meetings, assist with the development and management of materials and spreadsheets, creating forms, collecting and compiling requests, disseminating information, and other duties related to Games preparations.

Roles of the Key Volunteers

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