Board Orientation Manual 2024

2.9 A voting member who is not in good standing: a) may not vote at any General Meeting of the Society, any meeting of the Directors, or at any meeting of a committee they participate in, and b) is deemed not to be a voting member for the purpose of consenting to a resolution of the voting members. 2.10 A person shall cease to be a member of the Society: a) by the member delivering their resignation in writing to the Secretary of the Society, or by mailing or delivering it to the address of the Society; b) on the member’s death; c) if the member was deemed not in good standing and has not rectified the situation, as outlined in 2.8; d) upon the completion of the maximum number of years on the Board as outlined in Part 4; e) if the Minister rescinds the member’s appointment; or f) when their appointed term has ended and they have not been reappointed. 2.11 The members shall have the power, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the current membership present at a meeting set out for this purpose, to suspend or expel any member whose conduct is determined by the members to be improper, unbecoming, or likely to endanger the interest or reputation of the Society. No member shall be expelled or suspended without notice of the charge or complaint against them and without having first been given an opportunity to be heard by the members at a meeting called for that purpose. Part 3 - General Meetings of Members 3.1 Every General Meeting, other than an Annual General Meeting, is an Extraordinary General Meeting and shall be held at such times and places as the Directors decide. 3.2 Annual General Meetings of the Society shall be held at such time and place as the Directors decide, provided that an Annual General Meeting is held at least once in every calendar year and not more than 15 months after the adjournment of the last preceding Annual General Meeting. 3.3 Any two or more Directors may request that a General Meeting be convened. 3.4 Due notice of time and place and the general nature of the business to be transacted at any General Meeting, including an Extraordinary General Meeting, shall be given to each member at least 14 days before the meeting. 3.5 The accidental omission to give notice of a General Meeting or the non-receipt of a notice by any members entitled to receive notice does not invalidate proceedings at that meeting. Proceedings at General Meetings 3.6 A quorum at a General Meeting of the Society is 50% of the current voting members or such number greater or smaller as the Directors may determine from time to time for a specified time period. If not otherwise fixed by the Directors, then the quorum for General Meetings shall be 50% of the filled voting members. 3.7 General Meetings may be conducted in-person or via an electronic or other means as long as members are able to participate in the meeting. 3.8 The Chair of the Board shall preside as chair of all General Meetings. If the Chair is absent, then one of the other Directors present shall preside as chair of that meeting. 3.9 No business, other than the election of a chair and the adjournment or termination of the meeting shall be conducted at a General Meeting at a time when a quorum is not present.

BC Games Society Bylaws Updated: February 2023

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